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Terms And Conditions

Please read precisely before continue. If you wish to continue using our service or buying tickets on our site, then you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. If you don’t agree with any of our terms and conditions then you’re not authorized to use our services.


General Overview

Throughout the site, the terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Miami Lit UP.
These terms and conditions consider as non singable binding agreement between you (customer) and Us.

Future updates and services are subject to our Terms and conditions. Our updated version of terms and conditions will be available at our website. Miami Lit Up authorized to update, change, modify terms and conditions without prior notice, please check updated version of terms Regularly.


Ownership and Our role

This Website is owned by Miami Lit Up (Dollars Yassa LLC), We Enjoy Hookah and we Love to Party although we are not direct partners with the venues we work with, we provide limited service as selling tickets, reserve tables and hookah services, if you unsatisfied with your experience with any of the location or venues we advertise please contact direct the venues management team or ownership as the can provide you with more details. Once you accept our terms and condition you are binding to the agreement that you will not bring any claims or liabilities against us for any issue you might experience with any of the venues we advertise and work with. We have the right to refuse service to anyone at any time for any reason.


Online Purchasing

Online purchases must be provided with lawful and accredit payment methods, we use secure payment process when collecting payment to protect your information.

Age restrictions and other terms are direct subject to online purchases, by agreeing to all terms you will be allowed to process your order.

During the checkout process you will have time window to submit your payment, if you couldn’t complete your order within this time window you need to start over and may the prices and reservation availability subject to change with new submitting request.


Pricing and availability

Pricing and availability are subject to change prior to your final order or reservation, we trying to provide accurate pricing in case prices changes by venues you will be informed and may be subject for refund if you wish not to continue with the new prices provided.

Please make sure you select accurate tickets and/ or reservation dates and time before submitting you order or reservation because all orders and reservations are final and not subject for refund according to error of booking or reservations. 

We shall not be liable to you or to any third-party for prices change and termination of our service.


Cancellation, Changes of Reservations and events schedule changes

All venues and tickets schedule are set schedules but in case of schedule changes according to weather or events circumstances, we will do our best to inform you as soon as possible but without guarantee of your inconvenient about the changes and/or cancellation.

Cancellations and reservation modifications from your behalf are not allowed unless you confirm with us first. If you decide to cancel or not attend your selected event or reservation the monetary paid towards your selected service are subject to be non-refundable.


You shall receive confirmation email once you are done with reservation and booking. Your confirmation email will be including your personal information and event, venue details, contact, payments if applicable, dates and times of your reservation and/or tickets.

In case of not receiving confirmation email, please contact our customer service and provide details of your transaction for easily accesses of your reservation or transaction.



Website Errors as typographical, system, forms, offers, pricing, updated versions, human error, prices, dates, time slots. We will have the right to correct the error anytime without prior notice, we have the right to cancel any transaction, no commitment to any updates about errors resolving. If your transaction canceled due to website error you will be refunded the amount paid in case if collected within the error.


Orders and accuracy of Billing and Account information

We try to provide information as accurate as possible, we collect general information to present the product, service and venues. In other hand we are not obligated or responsible for the accuracy of the information provide or updating the website.

For details we provide on behalf of third parties or venues, as best to our knowledge but cannot be considered as references. 

You as user of our website and our services obligated to provide accurate account information to process your order.


Payments & Refunds

All monetary collected in US Dollars, other currencies not accepted to process your order.

In case of using digital payment and credit cards, all card information must be provided to submit your order as this is necessity to process your order.

You accept that in some case you might be contacted regarding your order for verification process and clarification of transaction. 

Your credit card details will be transferred encrypted to other network and stays hidden from public platforms as measure of security.

Payments may be submitted in full amount in some circumstances, otherwise partially payment or deposit will be collected during your booking and the remaining balance due at the venue.

All payments are final, non-refundable and non-exchangeable. Refunds might be received in case if been authorized by our company in specific cases.

Tickets and tours registrations provided after purchases considered as customer identification and cannot be shared or resold.

In case of refunds, you might receive the full amount paid or you might be charged cancellation fee which might vary according to each event, reservation or Ticket.


Unauthorized Resale and Ticket use

Reselling and coping tickets or reservations are prohibited, we validate all tickets by scanning barcodes or matching information on our data base.

Third parties selling and promoting unauthorizedly on our behalf will not guarantee your admission or attendance, those third parties violate company rules and maybe be subjected legal questioning.



All free and paid reservations will stay effective and with a holding time limit of 30min to 40 minutes of selected time of your reservation, in case of failure to show up at your reservation location within this holding time window that might automatically cancel the reservation with no obligation for any accommodations or refunds if any monetary were paid towards reservation.

All reservation might be cancelled at any time and without any reason or prior notice and with no commitment and guarantee for accommodation for different time slot or different location.


Communication And Registration

As participant in our website and to receive our services, you are obligated to provide true and accurate information during registration and forms filling, if information provided not matching then any action or reservation done will consider as void and with no guarantee to receive any back feedback or action.

Personal accounts are permitted to be used only with the user account holder unless a permission is been given, any action or activity occur in your account consider as your personal responsibility.

In case if you need any help regarding your account, please don’t hesitate to contact us to fix your issue.

All information that you fill or provide except credit cards details may be shared or transferred to third parties for advertising and marketing purposes. Any photos and videos taken during our services or events belongs to our company and might be used as advertising and marketing materials and you can’t hold us liable for any of those media.


Links and Third-party advertising

Third parties and links connected to our website are not operating under our terms and condition as they are considered as separate companies and represent only their brands and holding their own set of terms and rules. 

We will not hold liable for any issues occur with links or third parties connect to our website and any arising issue or complaint please contact the third party you connected with.



We are asking from you to perform the right conduct with our website, services and venue to ensure your satisfaction with our performance.

As you conduct with locations and venues after purchasing or reserving services, the doorman or event organizer has the right to refuse service to anyone at any time, common reasons for bad conduct but not limited to (intoxication, inappropriate behavior, affecting venues business, harassing other customers, not accepting venues rules, recording devices, inappropriate dress code…etc.).

In case of entry refusal because of bad conduct from your behalf, no refunds or exchanges will be granted as result of your bad conduct.

If you book to use one of transportation services, please respect and treat the property with honorable manner and don’t try to cause damage during your trip, as that might result in termination of the service booked and you might be charged for damages that you caused, if we feel that you might be causing damage or distractions, we have the right to terminate your service.

For conduct with our website please don’t try to copy, use materials, robot, trying to access other accounts, advertise, resale, use offensive language, get unauthorized access, interfering with website customers, dispute valid transactions for valid purchases.



We provide transportation for specific events, if your package including transportation and you will be using our transportation, you will be responsible to be present in time provided for check in to your transportation vehicle.

In some cases, you miss the check in time or unable to arrive in timely manner to allow you join our transportation services, no refunds or exchanges will be granted.

If your package including transportation to your event or nightclub, that will be one way trip because we can control leaving as group only to the main destination and we will not provide transportation back. In case of accidents, injuries, drinks spills or issues arise from using our transportation system as you know the nature of party bus, we will not hold liable for any injuries or incidents occur during your transportation.

If you use the boat party package if offered on our website, you will be following guidelines and rules with company providing the service as we represent them only as advertising partners not as direct partners.


Age verification and Agreement

As user for our website, you must provide lawful answer and correct information about your age. All users must be 21 years or older. If you proceed with any our services and wish to attend any of our services, you must provide valid picture ID (State ID / Driving license / passport), any digital or paper photocopy will not be accepted as valid identification.  


Service provider rules and dress Code

All Miami Venues enforce strict dress code, and without following the dress code that might be interfering with your access or approval for entrance to your booked venue.

Any Club or Location has the right to denied entry due to not matching dress code with the venue. Please before purchasing or joining us for any event or nightclub check the dress code guidelines on our website and agree that you will commit to the main guidelines enforced by the venues not to interrupt the smooth check in process to the venues and to grant your access to the venue.

If you are not sure about dress code guidelines for the location chosen, you can check our website or the venues official website and follow their guidelines or you can ask us and we will guide you, but in case if we couldn’t get back to you in timely manner before checking in, you will be responsible to read and follow the dress code guidelines form your behalf.

In case if you not granted entry of the venue according to dress code guidelines violation, no refunds or exchanges will be issued, and we will not hold liable.


Property loss and injuries

We always ask our customers to enjoy our services but in the same time to take cautions during the events and behave in manners that will ensure safety for you, other customers and us.

While using our services you will be responsible for your own properties and belongings, we will not be liable for and losses or injuries may arise or occur during your booked services.

During service if we see you as customer for our service acting as risk for you, other customers or us, we will have the right to terminate the service immediately at any time for any reason and without refunds we shall not be liable for any issues occur from this action.


Privacy Policy

As user for all internet services, you should always take precautions to protect your identity, information and not share your account details not to be at risk from scammers and identity theft.

From our side we will take all strict security measures to ensure the safety for your information, but in case of any issues occur because of wrong use of your information from other parties we will not be liable of any of those actions.


Copy rights and prohibited use

The whole content of this website is property of lit Up Miami, its employees or affiliates protected by intellectual laws and shall not be used without written permission. All content may not be copied, reused, discriminate, harass, unlawful use, spam or bad affect for Lit Up Miami or others. Failure to follow copyrights will result in violation of copyright infringements law. If you believe that anything displayed on our site is in violation of your intellectual rights, please inform us so we will be able to fix the error respecting your intellectual rights.


Termination of service

All terms and conditions shall stay effective until terminated by either party. Any parties shall keep the right to terminate the service at any time without any reason and without prior notice. We shall keep the right to terminate the service if our sole judgement that you violate any of our terms any time without any reason and without prior notice.

Commitments and liabilities occur prior to termination shall survive the terminations of this agreement


Limitation of liability
LIT UP provides the online services “AS-IS” and without any warranties.

The online services may include inaccuracies or errors. LIT UP provides the online services “as is” and without warranties of any kind. LIT UP does not guarantee or ensure the service booked or reserved through our website will be precise, accurate, safe, uninterrupted, virus free, harmful content or error free. Neither LIT UP nor its affiliates or any of their employees, directors, officers, agents, vendors or suppliers shall be liable for any direct or indirect loss, damages, special, lost data, viruses, personal injury or property damage related to or arising out of our services.

If service provided at our website dissatisfying, harmful content or terms and conditions of service, your remedy is discontinue using our site. You acknowledge using our site and services provided is at your own risk. You agree that we may remove, discontinue the service for any periods of time or cancel the service at any time, without prior notice to you.

If you reserve service events or tickets with us, you assume all risks associated with attending those services, including but not limited to the risks of unpleasant weather, and waive any claims for personal injury, property loss, or deaths against us. Any claim arises for any issue occur in related to our services due to any reason, liability, expenses, refunds, unenforceable shall not exceed the amount of $150 as remedy to solve those claims you may arise against us.   

Modification to service terms

You shall view our updated terms and conditions as your responsibility to comply with our terms and conditions. We keep the right to change, modify, update and replace our website terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.



In the event that any provision of these Terms and condition of service determined to be unlawful or unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed to be restated to reflect the parties’ original intentions as possible in complying with applicable laws.


Entire Agreement

These terms of service constitute the entire agreement between both parties regarding specific matters formal, verbal agreements, letters, proposals, documents and all previous agreements regarding the matters are take place and listed into these terms and conditions of service. In case of any conflict arise between two parties’ theses terms and conditions will be the rule to solve the conflict.



You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless LIT UP its affiliates, partners, officers, managers, agents, contractors, licensors, service providers, subcontractors, suppliers and employees, against any claims, damages, liabilities, losses or demand, including and not limit to attorneys’ fees, made by any third-party as results arising of your breach of these Terms of Service , your usage of our website and services, the documents they incorporate by reference, or your violation of any law or the rights of a third-party.


Governing law

Entire agreement, services, terms and conditions shall be governed according United Sates Laws


Taxes, Gratuity and Fees

Your total order price through the website will include the price of the ticket(s) absorbed any sales tax

Any purchase that will take place in any of the venues we advertise for, organize events or sell tickets, those purchases will be under venues regulations as venues may charge different tax(es), fees and service charges please check all those regulation at the venue prior to any purchases.



As promotion company all promoters works with us don’t consider as agents or trustee of the company and they stands in a fiduciary relationship.

Any issues arise from dealing with any promoter work with Lit Up Miami cannot hold us liable for those action as they are not direct employees of our company.



Work with us

We would love to receive your application, please if you fill the application you agree to submit correct and lawful information and you agree to be contacted for job interview.

Lit Up is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. We do not discriminate in recruiting, hiring or promotion based on race, ethnicity, sex/gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability or protected veteran status or on any other basis or characteristic prohibited by applicable federal, state, or local law. Filing application will not guarantee any position.

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